A main memory my Granda recalls is when he used to pick me up from school, or he would be looking after me for the day. He always says that I was happy to trundle along as long as we stopped for an ice cream at some point during the day. It is common knowledge that I love ice cream, however it is what ice cream I like that is the question. My two favourite ice creams of all time are a 99 with sherbet or a 99 with crushed nuts. However about a year ago I actually found out I was allergic to nuts. I have an extremely severe allergy. Unfortunately my Granda is at a point with his Alzheimer’s where he doesn’t remember new facts or memories or occurrences. Therefore this new knowledge simply went over his head. As I took him to the park last summer as I ran off to the loo and came back he was stood there with my ice cream, 99 with crushed nuts in which we immediately had to get rid of. Although for a split moment he understood and got rid of it. He then turned back and looked at me and asked if I had not had an ice cream yet.
This may seem a small and insignificant loss of memory however for my family this is a huge thing to forget as it is part of us. It is what we recognise and it is part of my Granda that we know. I feel it appropriate to use this as my final destination memory as it is such a simple thing to forget but it also shows the deterioration of such a disease. As well as the fact in turned a moment later and forgot the whole incident had occurred. I also feel this memory although heartbreaking when thinking about it, it is also rather comical. The way my Granda was stood trying to hide my ice cream. His big smile across his face at making me so happy. The laughter as we realised what had happened, but then the downfall of the fact that both his memory and my allergy are serious.
I appreciate the light heartedness of the idea of simply talking about ice cream. That anyone in their lives could have gone through this and alzheimer’s is not just forgetting oneself or people or places. It is alos the loss of making connections, making those solid connections to the parts of the brain for recall and being able to process new information as and when needed.