I have had an idea about having an opening speech which will question the audience, it will question their idea of destinations and the planning of their lives. It will question as a society why we fear the idea of the unknown and why we cannot stand the idea of not having a set plan of each stage of our lives. I then thought that it may work well if I come back to this at the end. After the audience see the deteriation, after they see the stories and memories get weaker, the lights get weaker, the noise of the train get louder and everything becoming a blur. I will then question again why it is so important, why people are confused by this positivity to life, to take it as it comes and pick themselves up, to get the best out of whatever they are given and work damned hard for whatever they would like. To fight the fact that I will be there to help every step of the way but that is not a planned state, I do not say what I will do every day, all I know is that if he needs me I will be there. There is a point to the message. To reason with my audience that yes you can be there for someone and yes a planned life is good, but what is plans get ruined, what if someone can no longer make plans and therefore have to go on spontaneity. Maybe we should have certain pathways planned but the rest is for our imaginations to take us, so we inspire ourselves we go on adventures. At the end of the day “we have to live… while we still have the ability to.”