There is a sentimental value about doing a performance which involves the stories of your life with a family member. It would be easy to create a piece which was emotional and heartfelt however I fear this would fall into a category in which showed my heart ache at what is happening to my Granda, rather than giving the audience a message to go on. Watching anybody go through such an illness is heart-breaking let alone your family member. I am not the kind fo person who easily talks about something that is going on in their lives, I find it difficult to open up and acknowledge that I am struggling with something. So to perform about such an emotional piece of my life is finding to be difficult. however the best news I have got about my piece is to add in the humour which I carry myself. Use my Granda’s accent as an … Use simply stories which mean a lot to the connection of my grandfather and myself but that others may find less emotional. This is why I have picked a football match, performing in the Wizard Of Oz and a park/ ice cream van setting. Each have their individual stories to be shown within them but they are all stories which are upsetting to me and will be seen to be upsetting, but they all have a point of humour to them. Whether this being my reaction, or the words of my Granda and the accent used for him. This style will allow my personality to come out and not be knocked by the upsetting nature of the piece.