I have finally been able to decide what lights I would like where. After playing around with the lights I had a few ideas, but today I pinned down the exact lighting I would like. For each part of my performance they will be as follows:
Dimmed house lights on as audience enter (no lighting on stage)
The lamppost:- red/orange spotlight straight above where I will be standing. Haze on 10 minutes before the audience enter.
The Train- I have decided on 3 profiles which will be positioned behind the audience on LX4 so that when they flash between one another the shadows of my audience will look as if the passengers in the windows of the train.
Sunderland Football Stadium- After finding out I was able to use one of the seating blocks to look like the stadium seats the lighting came quite easy after that. I will have a spotlight from the opposite side of the seating, looking almost like a spotlight from the field which will light up the seating where I will perform. I am also going to have a slight green LED light as if a reflection of the grass from the field.
The Wizard Of Oz- Two spotlights from above where I will stand almost as if two actors being spotted on stage.
Ice Cream Van/Park- A coloured spot will then fade up, we tested a few colours but found that R43A100G24B35 was the best colour as it looked sunny and summery. It added a lightness to the stage.
As I go back to the lamppost again the orange/red spotlight comes back on and is placed on a 1 minute fade. This 1 minute allows me time to do my final speech as the sound gets louder and the lights begin to fade to blackout. I would like this image to almost represent the losing of ones mind and the rambling of words which go round the mind but cannot be pin pointed.
I am so happy with the lighting I have decided on as especially with the props they look like the destinations I am trying to show to my audience.